Guide to the transition into the New Earth
Many people feel that something is wrong in the world and are worried about what they see happening before their eyes. But they can't put their finger on what exactly is going on. I was already "awake" before Corona and saw that all sorts of things were not right. At the same time, I was also aware of the underlying spiritual layer. That is why I started this website (in Dutch) in June '23 to share my insights based on my own (spiritual) process; see, among others, the overview article Age of Aquarius.
In recent years, my attention has increasingly focused on how things really work in this world. A new world has opened up for me, so to speak. Step by step I have discovered that the information that people like David Icke, Marcel Messing etc. bring is completely correct; via David Icke the information only comes in a rather fragmented way and via Marcel Messing rather cryptic, which means that most people cannot really form a clear picture of what exactly is going on.
Because I myself, as a former librarian, am specialized in making complex information accessible, I want to give people the necessary tools to go on a journey of discovery themselves via my website. I have provided supporting links for all topics.
I now assume that most people first want to gain more insight into what is wrong with the world as it is presented to us. If more light is shed on that, there will also be more room for the spiritual process.
My advice is therefore to first read the topic New World Order. On the page Double Deception I have elaborated on this further using various topics, of which Israel is most directly linked to the plan for a NWO.
I have made all specific topics on my website directly accessible via a Signpost; such as Secret Societies, Bloodlines linked to the subject of Transhumanism etc.
If you have become more aware of the world in which you really live, you may have more room to also tap into the deeper layer by realizing that there is a war going on against our consciousness; under the topic of the Matrix I have included a few links about this "war".
All division is created to keep us low in frequency and to distract us in such a way that we do not realize that through our inner world we ourselves (collectively) are the creators of the outer world. This is according to the cosmic principle As within - So without. As long as we do not become aware of this and continue to project our triggers and pain points outwards instead of resolving them within ourselves, we continue to help create the world as it is now.
Under the Insight button I have included a separate list of Subjects based on which people can possibly gain new insights regarding specific topics such as 5G or Weather Manipulation etc.
Vibration frequency / The level of consciousness
A person's vibration frequency determines what he/she can perceive in the outside world; the level of consciousness. The frequency will continue to rise in the coming time because the vibrational frequency of the earth on which we live is also spiraling upward. This process is known as Schumann resonance and leads at the level of awareness to the process known in spiritual circles as: From 3D to 5D; from the third dimension to the fifth dimension.
The coming years solar activity will also increase further in the form of solar storms and solar flares; this is also part of the ascension process.